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Why do we continue to allow our Freedoms to be stolen?


As a 5th generation Idahoan, I am troubled. In my view my state of Idaho, has moved from an individual's freedom loving state to a far-right dictatorship, that uses its religion and religious beliefs to govern others with their own values and beliefs.

To me this is morally reprehensible, not even God forces his values or forces a person to believe in his word, instead he allows FREEDOM of choice! So, his so-called followers who are elected to represent ALL PEOPLE "regardless of who they voted for", in his/her legislative district. Must believe they know better than the God they worship because they use the government to force their values and beliefs on all individuals.

These people were supposedly elected to protect our freedoms, liberties and rights! Instead, they continue to legislate them away, and what has me so worried for future generations is that people continue to vote these people into office as if it will not affect their children. We must take back control. I am asking for all Idahoans support and vote in the next Gubernatorial election. I know it is a ways off but I have to start early as I am just a working person like most other Idahoans.

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